Hey, so something that I forgot to mention last time: I'm one of the Sister training leaders now!! My bad for not saying so. :) Vochinch!

Hey, so one of the most exciting news: Because of the visa problems going on with the Georgian missionaries, WE'RE GOING TO GEORGIA for mission leadership council!! Not Atlanta, the country. ;) The Georgian missionaries might not be able to re-enter Georgia if they leave. I am so excited! I've never been to that part of the mission. The Georgians pretty much have their own mission because they're so far away. They call themselves the redheaded stepchildren because they only come down to Armenia once a year, pretty much.

We had an interesting week this week. So we found out that K will be going into the army soon. It has been a bit of a frustrating experience. When it was towards the end of December, we went over to their family's house. While we were there, they said that they found out that K was going into the banak on January 20th. After hearing this news, the following Monday, his sister passed her baptismal interview. As I was filling out her information, he said that he wanted to be baptized. Miracle, right? Well at that time, I asked him when he was going into the banak. He said, "Oh, I've been let go." So I said, "Well great! Then we'll put your date for January 30th." That way, he would have time to get ready for his baptism. 

Well it turns out that he wasn't let go. They were probably hoping that he would because of his bad knees, but no. So this last week, they were getting a lot more persistent about him being baptized. We were a little confused. On Monday of last week, K told us that he hadn't smoked that day. We were thrilled about that. Then the next day we found out from them that Karen was going into the banak on the 20th. We said that he probably wasn't going to be able to be baptized because he hasn't given up smoking completely, but we would think about it.

The next day, they all came to the church and started talking to Bishop about it. They got the ENTIRE ward involved in it. The Bishop, his wife, the ward mission leader, and other leaders in the ward. They had us come into the Bishop's office and were saying, "Hey, why can't he be baptized??" L (the mom) was saying, "Yeah, why can't he baptized? He hasn't been smoking for a whole week!" And we were thinking, "Um...that's a lie." There was suddenly all this pressure on us. 

That night we called you about it. And you told us to pray about it. I prayed about it, and after some reflection, I felt like he wasn't ready to be baptized.

Well, we told L that, and she is really mad at us. Or, more particularly, at me. She asked me for the umpteenth time if K would be baptized, after we had made it clear that he was not going to. And I responded with a firm, "No." She is super mad at me. 

It was really confusing though because a day or two later, we went to their house, bringing cookies to maybe help the situation. However, she was all cheery and everything, and she gave us three new investigators to teach. So that was interesting.

Then the next morning we called her (on Sunday), and she chewed us out. She said that she's helped us on all these things (with her friends and everything) and we are refusing to even let her son be baptized. She said, "Fine, then I'll go to another church and have Karen be baptized there. Then I won't go to church and I'll take all of my friends with me!" 

Then we saw her at church, she gave me a plastic smile, and said, "Of COURSE I'm not offended at you," when I asked. And then she gave us another investigator... Confusing, right?

So yeah, this whole thing has been a very confusing experience. I didn't just stop at that first prayer of whether or not he should be baptized. I reflected on it again and again. I didn't want to mess this up, especially since this was pretty important. But Sister B. and I have both come to the conclusion that it isn't right. Especially in light of all the manipulation to try to get us to let him be baptized.

It has been rough.

On the upside, Li got baptized this week!! She is so fantastic. She is going to be so strong for the church. We realized this week that her daughter, Sv is probably too mentally handicapped to be baptized. So that's okay. We didn't realize before that she really didn't know what was going on. So we've dropped her, but that's okay.

We hope to really get the work really bursting up here. I'm excited to participate in Mission leadership council. :)

Love you all!!!
Sister Fielding