Tuesday, June 4, 2024

March 16, 2015

Barev dzez!

We were sick yesterday. It was kind of torture to be in church because we weren't feeling well. We spent the rest of the day inside, resting. Both of our bodies were SUPER achy and we were just feeling terrible. I felt pretty nauseated in church.

We're having a really rough time on finding. We're going to try to fix that. It really stunk that we didn't find anyone last week. We gotta get that going so that next transfer they'll be having lots of success. 

It seems like all of our investigators are dropping us. It has been a little bit depressing. I just keep thinking that "the Lord can do his own work." 2 Nephi 27:20-21 I'm going to try to make this last run really worth it. 

On the other hand, Sir got baptized this week. She was SO excited to get into the baptismal font. She practically raced up the ladder. Also, one of the new converts in the ward got to baptize her. That was really exciting. Usually Bishop baptizes them, but he was in Yerevan and wasn't going to be able to do it. Well, Ser said that he couldn't baptize her. Well Ar (the new convert) was there, and we asked him if he wanted to do it. He said no, but in a way that showed that he DID want to but was being bashful. Then he said, "Yeah, I actually DO want to." So he got to!! It was his first time ever baptizing someone. :)

It was so funny because one of the investigators (who later dropped us) had us over, and she turned on her little heater. Well she said, "This is my husband. He warms me up." It was SO funny. We were laughing so hard.

One of the members' husband died this week. He was kind of out-of-it whenever we would come over. He would just sit there and smoke. It was kinda crazy because we heard about how we died. So we brought over some flowers to sympathize. We went in there, and there he was--laid out on the table in a small coffin--with his family members just crying and wailing over him. 

I found out that like how they did in Bible times, they sometimes hire wailers at funerals here. So crazy. Also, the whole time here in Armenia another missionary said that they kept a bowl of their blood underneath them at the funeral. Yep, total myth. haha Don't believe it.

Courtney will be excited to know that I now know TONS about Dr. Who now. When Sister B and I are bored, she tells me ALL about it. It is SO entertaining. Haha I now know about weeping angels, Amy Pond, River Song, and all that jazz. I might just watch the show now. =D 

We were supposed to have two people baptized on Saturday, but one of them called and said that she couldn't because something had happened and she was bleeding. Then she kept saying something about a field. Sister B was confused and thought she must have cut herself on something in a field. Or maybe the doctor had come with leeches and was bleeding her...in a field. She asked if that happened in America and Sister B said no. Then she gets off the phone and tells our member who was with us that M couldn't be baptized because she's bleeding in a field or something. 
Me and our member start laughing because  the word for field is almost the same as the word for period. (Dasht versus Dashtan) She was on her period. And Sister B told her we don't have those in America.

It was SO funny. 
Love you lots!
Sister Fielding

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