Tuesday, June 4, 2024

April 7 2014

Helllo everyone!!

Guess what? N and F got BAPTIZED!!! Woooooo!!! SO exciting!! So we had their baptismal interviews on Wednesday, and Y went in first. She was in there for about an hour!! We were freaking out. But then when Elder C from Center area came out, he said she passed!!! Then N went in, and she was in there for about thirty minutes. Elder C, when he came out starting to slowly out his thumb down (to say she didn't pass) but then he shot it straight up! That was SO mean. Haha Talk about the longest walk down the hall. Haha

Then we had a GREAT baptism!! I was SO happy!! Super spiritual.

It was super funny though because A (N's husband) was going to baptize her but every time he went to baptize her, he would go super slow and she wasn't completely immersed and she would start freaking out. He had to try and baptize her twice, but it just wasn't working. Not to mention that he kept on messing up the words. So the bishop told P, the former branch president who had just baptized E, to just baptize N. Haha So P gets up there and he's practically yelling the words, and then he whips her down into the water (nearly hitting her head) and then back up again. Haha We were all like, "Oh my gosh!!! Be careful!!" Haha But N was SOOO happy. When she was coming out of the font, she said, "Finally!!!!" After a whole year of teaching, she was baptized.

There is really no real way to describe the joy you feel when someone you love is finally baptized. It is such a miracle. I love N!!!

By the way, M from Malatia, our mini missionary was hilarious. We love her!!
Okay, gotta go!! Bye!
Sister Fielding

1. So all the pictures this week were of the baptism and the mini missionary. So, in other words, I can't send them. But this is me holding a rabbit at the two new converts house in Narek!!

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