Tuesday, June 4, 2024

September 22, 2014

Hey family!

This week has been an interesting week. We have been so busy. I feel like I was in the car for forever for splits. Two hours there, and then two hours back. The splits were so good though! I love Sister K. (Mom, like your friend Kent K. ;) ) She is a really great missionary.

Something that I took from the splits was that I truly could be a trainer. It wasn't like Sister K was like a trainee or anything, but I felt like I really could take a trainee under my wing and help them. It was an interesting thought.

I can't believe that this transfer has gone so fast, and it's going to keep on going fast. 

It will go especially fast too because now Sister J is a Sister Training leader! Yeah, I forgot to mention that last week. President told her that because of the increasing numbers of sisters in the North (in Georgia, Vanadzor, and Gyumri), they decided that they needed to have another set of Sister Training Leaders. So now Sister J, and Sister S (in Georgia) are the two sister training leaders up here. Crazy! They only have a month of being Sister training leaders, because this is both of their last transfers. I thought it was so smart to have another set of sister training leaders. It will help the Ajapnyak sisters to stay more in their own area, and delegate the work.

Because of that, we are both going to be going all over the place! This week we have zone conference. Right after the meeting, Sister J will head up to Georgia (where she served for 2 months. She was transferred there because they needed her there. She was suddenly frantically trying to learn Georgian, and right after that they realized that she needed to come back to Armenia. It was an interesting transfer for her). Anyways, she's excited to go back to Georgia for three days. During which, I will be on splits with the Gyumri sisters. And then the week after that, I will be going on splits again with them so that Sister J. can go to mission leadership council in Yerevan. Oh yes, it's going to become very busy indeed for the last bit of this transfer.

By the way, we have an awesome investigator right now, T. She was a referral from our bishop, and she is the wife of an inactive member. She has two adorable little kids, and is SO sweet! She came to church yesterday for all three hours! She is amazing. I would definitely say that she was a golden investigator. :) We are going to be making sure that we focus a lot on her, and help her to reach her baptismal date for October 25th, or even move up her baptism to October 11th! We are so excited for her, and we think that she will be able to do so much in the gospel! They were talking about the temple yesterday in sacrament meeting, and I mentioned that they could live together as a family forever. She seemed to really love that. Yay for helping families in the gospel!! =D

Things have been great. The next few weeks are going to be REALLY busy! We've got a bunch of investigators, a handful of which who have baptismal dates, plus all of the things that we'll be doing before the end of the transfer! 

Well, talk about finishing the transfer with a bang!

And NEXT transfer we'll be receiving our GIANT group from the MTC. Literally half the mission is going home, in other words about 30 missionaries are going home. All of the Elders, except for two  companionships, will be training. Plus three sets of sisters will be training too, and considering that I am going to be one of the oldest sisters in the mission, I have the sneaking suspicion that I'll be one of the trainers.

Phew. So much going on.

Well, love you all lots! 
Sister Fielding 

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