Tuesday, June 4, 2024

October 20, 2014

So we had transfers this week. 

And...I'M TRAINING!!! Woooo!!!!!

Her name is Sister B. (Here's the name code: There are two parts to her name. The first, think of the name of the evil lizard in Super Mario Brothers. The second part: The word "men" but in singular form. That's the best I can do with her name. Haha It's not a common name.)

Tyler and I are training together!! Woo!! So cool.

She is the best. She's this cute little girl from Ohio, and has a slight accent! I didn't even know that people from Ohio had accents, but she does! It's super cute. 

Plus she's 4"9.5' She is so small. When she went up during church to give her testimony. She couldn't quite make it over the pulpit. Haha

But anyways, this has been quite the week.

It was weird that Sister J was going home. I couldn't help but think about how hard it would be to go home. It was a hard first part of the week.

And it was hard during church. There were a lot of people who were really gloomy that so many missionaries had left. One of our investigators, R,  said that she had cried when Sister J left. So sad. I'm just grateful that there's modern-day technology that can help people from clear across the world to still communicate with each other.

But then there's the whole other dynamic of getting a new trainee! She's the best. I love her so much!! She's trying so hard. It is really rough to be thrown into a completely foreign place, and know only broken up pieces of the language, but she's learning fast! The whole training thing throws me back to when I was a trainee. So crazy!

So far things have been really great! Sister B is really working hard. It's really interesting to suddenly be under the lime light. In the first two days especially I felt like she was watching everything that I was doing so that she would know what "missionaries" are supposed to do. When the whole transfer craze dies down, I'm sure that that'll go away. :)

But yeah, I love the new missionaries!! This is going to be a great transfer. :)

We have four new missionaries in our district, and they are all awesome. One of them is a super good speaker. On his first day in Vanadzor, the young women's president asked him how long he's been in country. He said, "Uh...two days." Haha It was hilarious. She thought he had been here much longer than that.

Well things have been great around here. Just...crazy. 

Well I love you all!!!

Sister Fielding

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