Tuesday, June 4, 2024

January 26, 2015

Barev Dzez im amenasirats martik!
(Hello my favorite people!)

Georgia was SO much fun!! I loved it. We were able to do awesome things like set goals for the year!! When I found out that we were doing that, I automatically thought, "Wow, this was the best time for me to get into leadership!"

This year is definitely going to be one with miracles though!! The goals are definitely going to fulfill Elder Bednar's promise. I remember from Elder Bednar's meeting with the stake (in May) how he said, "The next time I come to Armenia, there will not be enough room in this room (the Marriott Center's ballroom) for all of you." It was something along those lines. It was insane!!! It was a prophet of God who said it. Meaning that that was a prophecy! He'll be coming back this summer, I think. ;)

Georgia was amazing! Wow. I loved the mission leadership council. I feel like I have a bigger connection with Georgia now. I think that these goals are going to change the face of Armenia and Georgia. I love it. Sorry, I can't tell the goals now because other missionaries are on this e-mail list, and I don't want to give it away.

I can't believe how Westernized Georgia is!! Georgia is SO beautiful. Wow. Sorry to dis on Armenia, but Armenia has nothing on Georgia's architecture. And they have Wendy's and AMERICAN PIZZA!!! No joke. We had American pizza for lunch on Friday. I couldn't believe it. It was real pepperoni and a combination pizza, and an all-meat pizza. It was like Domino's. Tashir pizza place just doesn't compare. And we had garlic bread too!!! 

Although from what President Carlson was saying, Armenian people are a lot more warmer and hospitable. Georgians are colder people from what they were saying. So that's interesting. So Armenians win in that regard. ;)

I was also surprised at how much of a responsibility it is to be a leader. I feel such a strong pull to be a good example. It's so true that other missionaries look to us for an example. I remember seeing things that the sister training leaders and thinking, "Oh, well if they do that then it must be okay." (They weren't being disobedient. Don't worry!) :)

We have two investigators approaching baptism. It's funny because it's K and his mom. (K was the one who was going into the army.) He apparently got out of it. So he's here still. We think that he really has been stopping smoking now. So he will be able to be baptized this Saturday (his original baptismal date) with his mom. We are really happy that we didn't bend under peer pressure, because now it's SO much better. 

Plus, we had a great experience with our other investigator, E. We had tried to extend a baptismal date to her, but she said that she was scared. Apparently our former investigators (who are practically her family) said that if she was baptized that she would no longer be welcome in their home. It was SO sad. Our member present was telling her that it was hard, but she shouldn't be scared of man, she should fear God. She accepted everything that our member was saying.

She is so faithful. During our last meeting, she came out of the blue and said, "So, when is my baptism going to be?" We were SO excited! =D it was amazing. She is an angel.

I love this work! Armenia is the best place in the world.

Love, Sister Fielding

There I am at the border!
And there I am at Wendy's!! (It was delicious!!)

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