Tuesday, June 4, 2024

July 28 2014

In the words of Elder F. "Hey howdy!"

So we heard from President on Tuesday about transfers and.....................

Drum roll please....................................................................................................................

Suspense is building...................................................................................................................

Building even more.....................................................................................................................

And....I got transferred to Vanadzor!!! Woah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Sister L. got transferred to Malatia. So yep, what we suspected came true. They have closed Arabkir to sisters. It'll be closed for a while. 

By the way, this is pretty much the CRAZIEST transfer ever!!
They closed Arabkir to sisters, and they closed Ashtarak too. (Ashtarak is understandable because it was the slowest area in the mission. Plus, that's where ALL sorts of crazy dramatic stuff has happened. I know that one of my MTC teachers was beat up there. And my trainer's trainer was nearly hit by a car by one of the priests in another church. Yeah.)

And now they're opening up Hrazdan to sisters.(I kinda sorta already knew about that one, though!) And they're opening up Alaverdi up again!! It was closed a few years ago, but it's opening up again!! =D We are SO excited! 

And Dilijan, which has NEVER been opened before, is being opened up!!! Aah! So cool!! (Good luck Elder W. and L!)

Yeah, and Sister Th. who just got out of her training, is training already!! SO crazy! She was freaking out. She was saying, "I just finished my training!! How can I be a trainer?!) She was with us for the last three days of the transfer though, and I am WAY impressed by her language skills. She'll be able to train without a problem. ;) (She didn't believe me when I told her that, though.)

So yeah, crazy things are happening. SO exciting.

Okay yeah, VANADZOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the land of milk and honey! It's where EVERYONE wants to go. I am SO happy to be here. 

It was really strange because before I even came, I felt like I was coming home. Sister T. (one of my old companions) would talk about it all the time. Yeah, I am already SO impressed. People here are so warm. Tons of people just came right up and hugged me, or hugged me multiple times. Haha I feel like part of the Vanadzor family already!

It was way bittersweet though learning that I would be leaving Arabkir though. We passed all of out investigators over to the Nork Elders (they're in the adjoining area), and completely cleaned our apartment like MAD. 

Yeah, and it was way sad because since I came here to Vanadzor, which is about three hours from Yerevan in the North, I wasn't able to go to V's baptism. V was super sad that I wasn't able to come. She's a tough person. She doesn't really show a whole ton of emotion (like sadness) but there was definitely pain on her face when I told her. Super sad. It's okay though. Sister L. went to it because Sister L. is still in Yerevan. And I sent a letter to be read at the baptism. :) Vochinch, the important thing is that she got baptized!! =D

And hey, I am now companions with Sister J!! Her name is like an "incredible baby". Pixar? What? Hah If you didn't get it, then you should consider watching "The Incredibles."

Hey and I'll be turning 22 this week! Crazy! Hey mom, I got that package last week!! Super fun! Thank you!! I'm saving the card for the big day! ;)

P.S. Water day was not super impressive. We didn't have one kid run after us. Lame. We wrapped up all of our scriptures and stuff in plastic bags to get ready for it! However, a group of 10 kids DID throw a bunch of water ballons at our bus when we went by. Haha So that's as exciting as it got. However, it did pour down rain on us, and so we had a good amount of water for everyone. ;)

Well, I hope that everyone has a fantabulous week! Hajoh!!

Sister Fielding

1. There I am with my wrapped up scriptures for water day.
2. And there's me with Vanadzor in the background. So beautiful!

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