Tuesday, June 4, 2024

July 21, 2014

Hey family,,

It has been HOT HOT HOT!! Man, so hot. Hah But things are good.

Super embarrassing story that happened. So we went and visited one of our members. She lives on the third floor of her apartment building and we'd been walking out in the sun. Well the Armenian greeting is like this: You grab their right hand, and you touch left cheeks and make a kiss sound. 

Well, we do the greeting, and when she pulls back she says, "Is that water or sweat??" I said, "OH. Sorry!!!" She gave us some napkins to wipe ourselves off. SUPER embarrassing. Haha Sorry, A!

V is looking pretty good!! She's MOST LIKELY going to be baptized this saturday! Woohoo!

Get this, we're gonna have transfers on Friday, and then her baptism will be on Saturday. Plus, president told us that every companionship is going to be affected this transfer. Which means that either Sister L. or I (or both of us) won't be able to be there at her baptism. Crazy, huh?? 

By the way, TRANSFERS are this week!! We heard that Hrazdan is being opened to sisters, which means that one of the sisters' areas is going to be closed. So everyone's holding their breath to see which area, it'll be. Yikes! We find out Tuesday night what'll happen.

By the way, S, our new investigator, is AMAZING. We've met her three times and she is ON FIRE. She is already on the path to a solid conversion because she's been coming to church for the past four months, and she is ploughing through the Book of Mormon. In the first meeting, we asked her to keep a small journal for tracking her spiritual progress. Well, she interpreted that as writing down everything that she's learning from the Book of Mormon. 

So she came in the second meeting and she was just shining and she summarized EVERYTHING that happened in 1 Nephi and half of second Nephi. Then the next time, she summarized everything for the rest of second Nephi. (May I remind you that those are the hard Isaiah chapters??) She is so great. We've taught her how to pray too, and so she is going to be ploughing on with the complete tripod. I love her so much!!

I have been doing a good job about not thinking about transfers, but since we're getting close, it's probably going to get even harder. it's okay. I'll become anxiously engaged in a good cause and not think about it. ;)

Life is good here in Arabkir. I feel like the members really are picking up the work so much more. I think that they're champs, to tell you the truth. 

Well, love you all!! Hope you have a great/non-stressful week. =D

Love, Sister Fielding

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