Wow, SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT!!! But SO little time. Snap.

Well meeting with Elder Bednar was AMAZING!!! Oh my word. 60 missionaries in our sacrament meeting room, Elder Lawrence (one of the seventy) and ELDER BEDNAR all in one room. Yep. That was us. It was super cool too because all of the missionaries from up in Georgia were able to come down. I haven't seen our four Georgian elders in seven months. So that was super cool!

I think the biggest things that I learned from Elder Bednar was to put faith into action.


At one point during our missionary meeting with him, he demonstrated a faithless prayer and a faithful prayer. 


The faithless one sounded something like this: 


"Dear Heavenly Father,

We thank thee for this day. We thank thee that we are gathered here in church today, and we pray that more people will come to church next week. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."


That was the summed up version. He said, "Oh yes, it sounds nice and eloquent, but it is completely and utterly faithless."


Then he did the faithful prayer. 


He said, "Dear Heavenly Father, 

Help us to close this meeting so that we can actually go out and bring people to church, instead of having meetings where we talk about the same exact things and then never do them. Help us to actually go out and visit and help those other people come to church instead of talking about it. Help us to truly bring those people to church. We only pray that we won't all go to the same house. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."


It was something along those lines.


That made such a big impression upon me though. Those prayers where you ask for Heavenly Father to help you are one of the most faithless prayers you could utter. Instead, are you truly going to put your prayers into action?? Are you truly going to try and study and ace that test instead of only asking and asking Heavenly Father to make it happen??


Truly, faith without works is dead. So WORK! And make your prayers really happen. 


There was another part where he was talking about how faithless it is to say that you will go to the temple to find an answer to a question. Instead, he said, "Go to the temple to find the right questions, take those questions home and study them from the scriptures, and then search and ponder them out in your mind, THEN you will receive an answer to your question."


At another part he said, "Faith is going out and doing that which you know you are supposed to do. Through acts of faith where you are truly putting yourself into action, that is when you truly become converted to the Lord."


Needless to say, I learned a lot from Elder Bednar while he was here. I received a witness that he truly is a prophet, seer and revelator. I know that when WE go out and have the faith to actually do the things that we talk about, that is when we have the spirit with us. 


I have started to see the difference that has happened in my personal prayers. I know that when we make a plan of action (like trying to help and find new investigators or learn x amount of words in your mission language) and then take it to the Lord, he rewards your exercise of faith and answers your prayers by providing a way.


I am so grateful that I am here in Armenia. I know that God is here for us. When we TRULY are converted to God, and we put our faith into action, we receive the strength to do whatever obstacle we face.

Blah, I love all of you!!! You are so great. 

I think the biggest thing I would like to invite you to do/be is to never be found faithless. 

The Lord has made the call. Come people, be converted to the Lord and do his work!!! Make your prayers meaningful.


Metz sirov,

Sister Fielding