Tuesday, June 4, 2024

August 4, 2014 Birthday week!

Bunches to write about! Yeah!

I had the BEST week ever! Things are really looking good here in Vanadzor. 

Random story: I now know how to play twinkle twinkle little star on the violin! My companion's a violinist, and she showed me! SOMEDAY I'll play the violin! Haha

On Saturday, I had the BEST birthday EVER! We started the day with doing a service project. We were going out to clean up a park. There was some initial confusion about which park we were going to, but then we figured it out. It was a teeny park. We didn't even get why we were cleaning that one up, at first. But when you put 20-30 people to a job, the job gets done! 

It was super cool too, because I was looking around for a job to do, and I walked a bit up the little slope, and I found these tiles. I thought, "hey, there's some overgrown things here." So I started unearthing all these tiles, and I found a path that goes all around the park! It was super fun to un-earth. I was getting SUPER dirty though. Just imagine: hot day, a little sweaty, and dirt getting kicked up. I thought I looked like a little street urchin. Some Armenians were a bit scandalized. Haha

It was funny, because at one point, there were these two young men leaning against a fence nearby. Well when they saw me un-earthing this path, they jumped over the fence and said, "Hey, give me your shovel." I said, "Wait, what?" But then, he just grabbed it, and took over my job. I was thinking, "Hey! That's my job." So I grabbed another shovel, and then the next boy grabbed that one too so that I wouldn't work. I said, "Hey! I can work!! I'm strong." They ignored me. Haha I still helped, even though they were trying to make me stop. I was thinking stuff like, "I'm not a flighty fairy that can't work!" They were super nice. 

But man. It was so embarrassing because I really was SO dirty! Just imagine me at one of dad's jobs, and that's how I looked. There were two armenians that bought water so that I could clean off my face. Haha Um...awkward! But hey, my dad taught me to get down in there and work, regardless if you have dirt on your forehead or not. Haha And plus, I love those types of jobs!

Then later on, when we were all clean, we went to Ar's (our "mission mom's") house to visit. (P.S. Mom, it's the mom of the girl who sent you the e-mail. ;) )

They threw this huge party for me! it was SO sweet. They made a cake, and all this food, and everything. SO sweet. Yeah, they had me blow out the candles, and cut the cake. While cutting the cake Ar, smacked some frosting on my face. I got her back.

But then A, Ar's daughter, attacked me! She put this huge glob of frosting on my face, then as I started to retaliate, she literally scurried under the table and picked up a stool to defend herself. I got her though!

She came out from under the table...and then attacked me again!! Getting all my face, with a lovely glob of raspberry frosting in my hair. Then promptly ran out the door, laughing. I was like, "That's it!" And I scrambled over to the table, grabbed a ton of cake, and ran out the door and NAILED her!

It was HILARIOUS. We declared a truce, and cleaned each other up in the kitchen. Punk. Haha SO much for straightening my hair. Haha

It was a great week. Well, love you all lots!!

Love, Sister Fielding

P.S. It is hilarious how they make the WORST spelling mistakes. Haha This was on an ice cream.

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