Tuesday, June 4, 2024

June 16, 2014 I'm out of time!

Hey Family!!! 

I am out of time!! (Why does this ALWAYS happen?!)

So the most EXCITING thing!! F, our sweet Iranian investigator, is getting BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!! AAhhhhh!!! The day has come!! She is getting baptized tomorrow afternoon. She is so sweet!! We love her so so much!!

We made berry pie!! It was delicious. We'll be making some more for F's baptismal refreshments. :D

We climbed nine flights of stairs to get to this one less-active's apartment. Only to find that they didn't live there, but hey we took pictures!!

And we did HOURS and HOURS of trying to find less-actives, and so sometimes we were able to use elevators. Hah So here's a picture of that.

Love you all, sorry it's short, but I had to write a billion people today. Knerik! (Meaning, Sorry!)

Love, Sister Fielding

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