Tuesday, June 4, 2024

March 24 2014

Alo everyone!!

I don't even know what happened this week. Hah I feel like there was all this stuff that happened but the week just flew by. It's crazy. I don't know.

Well, as a district, we fasted from Saturday to sunday. We fasted for our investigators and also so that we could find something to fast from for 40 days. It was really great, actually. I am super excited for our 40 day fast because it's all about becoming more consecrated and stronger missionaries. I also see it as an opportunity to truly show the Lord that we love him enough to sacrifice something for him. I am super happy we are going to be doing this, and I think that it will be a month of miracles in one way or another.

By the way, we, as a mission, are trying to start teaching on the streets. We taught a whole first lesson to a lady the other day while on the street! She was super great. We are going to try to meet with her again sometime soon. =D

With Y, holy crud! She is AWESOME! We committed her to start reading the Book of Mormon, and two days later, when we met with her, she had already read 110 PAGES!!! Oh my lanta!! We were so psyched. Can I say Golden Investigator??? Plus, she's come to church all three hours for the past three weeks. It is SO happy!! She has a date for April 5th, and I think she is totally going to make it! PLUS, she is going to be baptized on the same day as N, her daughter!!

N is great. I think she has some sort of learning disorder and so it's really hard for her to remember things/apply them to her life. But she has such a strong desire to baptized. We are trying really hard to help her understand everything and to get ready for her baptism. We are really determined for her to get baptized this time. We think that she could. We are going to see if her mom can read with her. That would be so great for them!!

plus, it was super funny because I tried to make no bake cookies without a recipe. Yeah, I made it completely wrong and it turned out to be like chocolate oatmeal, and then I accidentally threw in this huge thing of salt instead of sugar (in an attempt to make it sweeter). Sister T. was dying laughing. I was like, "Noooooo!!!!" Haha

Well, I'm out of time. But I love you all! Choose the right!! Try to improve maybe one thing in your life this week to become a better person. You'll see blessings from it!

You are wonderful!
Sister Fielding

1. I never really got the song, "Popcorn popping on the apricot tree" until I started seeing apricot trees! Hah SO fun! (The flowers DO kinda look like popcorn from a little bit away. Haha) P.S. Armenia has the BEST apricots, I hear. They're about the size of red delicious apples (around there) and SUPER juicy. I am so excited for the summer!!

2. N's marriage license that she finally has!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yayyy! We are SOOOO happy. Now, we just have to help her prepare for her interview, and get her further into the Book of Mormon. Then she can get baptized on April 5th!! With her Mom!!! WOo!!

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