Tuesday, June 4, 2024

April 14, 2014

Hello family and friends!!

We FINALLY watched General Conference this week!!! It was SO good. We
went up to the insitute building in Yerevan, and watched it with the
rest of our district there on Saturday. Then on sunday, we stayed in
Artashar and watched it with our Elders and our senior missionary
couple in the church. (Plus we had potatoes and toppings--including
CHILI--in between sessions. SO good.) It was crazy because they both
took up the ENTIRE day. So out of those two days, we only had one
apointment. But it's okay because that appointment was AWESOME! It's
mentioned below as A.

By the way, my trainer is done! She's now in the U.S!! SO crazy. She
finished before the transfer ended so that she could go back to school
at BYU. It is really crazy that Sister Haynie isn't here anymore!
Woah! That was crazy. She is the first of my companions to finish up
her mission and go home. I know she'll be able to jump right back into
life though. She's a tough cookie. :) By the way, because she isn't a
missionary anymore, I feel like it's allowed to say her name. ;)

So we were able to pick up some more investigators this week! Super
cool! So there's this lady, N, who REALLY wants to be baptized. We
have taught her the first, and the tripod. We will be going over
Joseph Smith more in the next lesson, and watching the Joseph Smith
movie. It'll be good! It's interesting because we tried to teach her
before, but she was always so busy with feeding us that she would
never sit down. But it hit her hard when she was told that she wasn't
going to be baptized on the same day as N and Y. So, now she is a lot
more serious about everything. It has also helped because one of our
awesome members of the bishopric, M, has been coming with us to her
lessons. He doesn't let them get distracted with serving us, and he
tells them that they have to listen to us. So it has been good so far
with her.

Astrik is another one of our investigators, and SHE IS AMAZING!!! She
is a daughter-in-law of one of our strongest member families. Her
husband is a member but inactive, and they had their first baby boy
just about 3 months before. Yay for strengthening families!! It has
been really interesting because every time that we went to go and
visit her, she was so open and I felt the spirit so strongly. I was
thinking, "I think I can smell an elect lady here!!" Haha It was
really interesting because in the beginning, she wasn't really sure
that there was a God, but she wanted to believe that there was
something or someone out there. Plus, she had been taught by
missionaries before, and was really great friends with missionaries
from before. Because she had such a strong relationship with
missionaries before, she emphasized how much she trusted and loved the
missionaries. (SO great.)

Anyways, we testified of prayer and about how much it can bless her
life and the life of her family if she would have the faith to do
that. Well, anyways, she had a little fight with her husband after we
left, and so she was a bit upset. But then she remembered what we had
said about prayer. So she thought, "Okay, I want to try and pray." So
she prayed and she felt this complete feeling of peace fill her up,
and she felt calm and super warm. She described it as the same warm
feeling as when you go to Grandma's house and you feel the love and
happiness there. She was SO excited to tell us when we visited her the
next time!! It was amazing!! Man, we were planning on following up to
see if she had prayed, but she beat us to the punch and said, "I have
something really amazing to tell you!!" We were so happy. She started
crying because she was so happy. Yay!! THIS is why we are here, to
help people start having more faith in the Lord and in Jesus Christ.
Man. SO wonderful!!

PLUS, we read out of Alma 32, which answered SO many concerns about
what faith is. The verse that especially rang true to her was when it
said that faith is to believe in things which are not seen, which are
true. And she said that it made sense to her that faith isn't to have
a perfect knowledge of things. That's not faith, it's knowledge. That
was EXACTLY what we wanted her to get out of that because she is a
very logical person. She doesn't want to just believe in something and
jump in without thinking. So she was so excited when we were able to
explain faith through the scriptures. Aah!! So fantastic!!

So I'm all out of time. But I'll hurry and explain everything.

So we had a mini girl's night where we watched Legacy together. It was
hilarious because we were making fun of the acting the whole time.
(Plus, that was another attempt at no-bake cookies. It was 100%
healthy and tasted like legit dark chocolate!! It was SO good!!)

I'm "touching" a watch tower by Turkey. Super funny. Haha

Plus there was this random car in the front of our investigator's house.

Okay, Love you all!!
Sister FIelding

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