So I cut my hair again! It is now a cute little bob. It's so cute

Sorry I took too much time with responding to people today. So, yeah.

One of our members asked permission from our mission president if we could go up and hike up this mountain this morning at 5, to watch the sunrise and do our studies up there. Through a turn of events, we found out that we were supposed to be on the bus at 4:00. Well, it rained last night. So after our alarm clock went off at 3:20, the Elders called us and said that the marshootni couldn't take us up because the roads were bad. So yeah, we are SO tired. But we're kind of glad that we could sleep to 6:30, because we would have been SO tired. But yeah, we're still pretty tired. But vochinch. (whatever).

We had some awesome lessons this week! So we're teaching that eight-year-old. We realized that we needed to teach the plan of salvation. So what did we do? We made a plan of salvation BOARD game!!! It was the best thing ever. The kids went crazy over it. It was a path leading all the way to the three kingdoms. They went bananas over it. They were so excited. I've never seen anyone so excited to make it to the celestial kingdom. Haha It was great.

Well, next week will be better with more stories. Sorry folks!!

Mets sirov,
Sister Fielding

My hair!
Our plan of salvation board game!


Hey Mom, 

So transfers will be on Friday, and they usually take us out to do something before we leave. Then the missionaries who are leaving leave on Saturday morning. At least, that's how it's been lately. So that means that we can meet up on April 4th, which, interestingly enough, is general conference. Well, we'll watch that when we get home. Armenia isn't going to be doing general conference on that weekend because of the time difference.

I've got a long list of stuff that we can do in my areas so far, and some people that we can visit. However, you're going to have to look up shows if you want to go to any. I hear that the traditional Armenian dances are AWESOME. 

So you should come in on Thursday or Friday so that you can sleep and get all that jet lag out. (You will literally be coming in to a time when it's daylight here but nighttime at home, and vice versa. You're going to need to sleep and get rested before we go out and have fun.) Then we can meet up on Saturday sometime, and go through Armenia.

We'll want to have a day in Artashat and the south of Armenia for Saturday. Then on to Vanadzor in the north. There isn't that much to do in Vanadzor, but the ward is AWESOME. So it would be ideal if we went to church here, visited the members, and then came back or whatnot. Then we'll go to the city on Monday, and hit up Arabkir, and go to the surrounding sights. After that, we'll probably have a Kentron day where we can go to the really nice parts of Yerevan, do some shopping, and go to shows. Then we'll probably have a day of walking around and doing things that seem fun. There are some awesome museums that we could go to. Then maybe take off on Thursday at some time. 

This all depends too if I get transferred to another area.

The Marriott is one of the nicer hotels in the city. You can figure out the hotels, I'm sure.

There aren't really any places to stay in Artashat, I don't think. But it's just an hour away from Yerevan. So we'll just zip down there in a taxi. It's 10 dollars there and back in a taxi. There are places to stay in Vanadzor. So we can drive up on Saturday night to Vanadzor and stay the night. Then the next day we won't have to worry about getting there to church on time. We can probably just drive to Yerevan on Sunday night (about two hours away). Then we'll be in Yerevan, occasionally traveling to outlying sites, but for the most part staying in the city. 

So to sum it all up: Come in on Thursday or Friday to sleep. Pick me up on Saturday, drop things off in the hotel, and head to Artashat/the south. On sunday, we'll be in Vanadzor/the north. On monday, we'll go to Arabkir. On Tuesday, we'll be in Kentron (Center). On wednesday, we'll do anything that's left to do, or just have a relaxing day. On Thursday, we'll take off. Or we can take off on Wednesday too. Both are fine. You decide.

Then, depending on when we'll leave, we'll get there on just about the same day as when we left. ;) If we take off wednesday morning, then we'll get there on wednesday night. If we take off on Thursday morning, then we'll get there on Thursday night. Because we'll be gaining time coming back. 

Don't forget to take care of credit cards things, so that they know you're coming here. And be ready to get a local phone card thing/chip so that you can use your phone here.

Anything else? Restaurants will be easy. They're pretty cheap, and we'll go to the good places. 

Avoid Hash at all costs. It's soup where they boiled a cow's foot in it, Except for rare occasions, it's usually pretty disgusting. 

Sharmas are pretty good. You can trust those.

Okay, that is all the information that I can think of for you to prepare. Let's not freak out over this until I really am coming in to the end of my mission. If you are freaking out over it, please spare me from it because it can be very distracting to think about "a vacation" and "going home." There's a substantial amount of time left (seven months). 

By the way, President Carlson is not in favor of parents coming to pick up their missionaries because of how hard it is on other missionaries.
Here are his words in response to me telling you that you were wanting to come. 
Hi Sister Fielding,
Thank you for your great personality, and trying to lighten up the atmosphere.
Try to discourage your family from coming. The church is really against it. However if they are set on it, we can't stop them.
We love you.  
Also, I will have to be operating under mission rules until I am released. That means being home by 9:00-9:30 at night, waking up at 6:30, wearing missionary clothes, not watching movies, etc.
So...something to consider...

Love you!!
Amberlie Fielding