Tuesday, June 4, 2024

May 19 2014

Helloooooooo family and friends. 

Okay, well we have one investigator right now. He really is such a good guy. He he owns a car wash about five minutes away.  We gave him a Book of Mormon today! He is excited to read it. It's good too because he really thinks about everything that he reads. We read the introduction of the Book of Mormon today, and he was stopping every paragraph and asking questions about it. He is really solid. 

It was a bit intimidating at one point because his brother (who is a big Armenian Apostolic person) came in. He saw the Book of Mormon and gave him a hard time about it. He apparently is super against us meeting with him. Hovsep was talking about how the Book of Mormon was about Christ; his brother was saying that it was about Mormon. He made him leave though. :) H is a really great guy. 

I am really excited to see what he thinks about the Book of Mormon. I feel like he has so much potential to jump on it, and run with it. I felt the spirit when we were talking about the Book of Mormon with him. I have a lot of hope for him!!

He has a problem with drinking though. Last time we came over, he was completely drunk. It was actually pretty hilarious. He said, "I love drinking because you can really tell people how you really feel!" (I was thinking that you could probably do that WITHOUT drinking too. Hah) But then he goes on to say, "And I just wanna say that you're my friends. I love you!! I love you!!" (I think he said that he loved us like 25 times.) Haha Then he was like, "You know what?? I'm gonna do a toast!" And he had this shot glass of brandy, saying that he was gonna do a toast for about ten minutes. But we think that he just kept forgetting to do the actual toast.

Then he gestures to his friend and says, "This guy, I've known him for 50 years. I know he's a good man." Then he turns to his other friend on the left and says, "But THIS guy. He's a bad guy. You gotta stay away from him." We were just cracking up.

Needless to say, we didn't really get a lesson in that day, but we came back later.

We also have been working a lot with M--the new convert who wants to go on a mission. She is great. She really is so excited to serve a mission. Yesterday we met with her, and read the end of the first lesson about Joseph Smith and the beginning of the second, which is the plan of salvation. She had so many questions about everything that she read. It was great! I was getting all excited because she was learning so much and we got to take part in that. It is REALLY good that she is reading Preach My Gospel right now, because she needs a refresher on all of the doctrines. 

I am trying to improve my street contacting and be more bold. I have been getting blessed in that way. I just think to myself, "Okay, today we are going to find another investigator today." Through that way I have been more motivated to find more people on the street. If we can't find people through the members, then we've gotta put forth a lot of effort on our own. We tried to get creative by buying candy to hand out to children on the street so that we could talk to their parents/families. In America, that wouldn't be okay, but here in Armenia, people LOVE that. They love it when you give their kids candy. It shows that you're a nice person. The kids were too scared to come close to us though because we were strangers. It was worth a try. :)

Oh and hey! I got to wear "the planet skirt" this week! So this other sister in the mission received this skirt from her grandma. Her grandma is a really good seamstress and was super excited to receive it. Well, she received it...and it pretty much looked like from outer-space. So, she started a tradition where every sister wears it for the day, takes a picture and prints it out, and then writes about what happened that day with the planet skirt. 

I wore it on sunday. I definitely got some stares in church. It was really funny. 

Okay, I've gotta go!! Hasta la vista!!
Sister Fielding

1. The planet skirt!

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