Tuesday, June 4, 2024

April 28, 2014

Dear family,

I AM TRANSFERRING!!!! AAH! Super crazy. I don't know where though. President called us on Saturday night, and let us know that Sister T. is staying in Artashat and I will be going somewhere else. He wanted to let us know so that we could say goodbye to everyone at church. (It was SO nice of him.) :) He will be calling us either tomorrow or wednesday. So we will see!! WIll it be Vanadzor?? Arabkir?? Who knows!! You'll find out next week!

By the way, Elder BEDNAR is coming to ARMENIA!!! Woah!!!! He is so intense! We're going to I am SOOOO excited that President Bednar is coming!!!!! WOOOHOOO!!! That is going to be SO awesome. Super excited. :)

By the way, I am so grateful that you told me that I was leaving this week, because it was a great way to really say goodbye to the ward--as opposed to only visiting a few people and then suddenly being gone. The ward was so nice. They want to throw me a little going away party. =)

I'm excited to find out the new sister who will be coming here too!

This transfer has gone SO fast, and I'm sad that it's ending!! I LOVE Artashat, and these people. They are so wonderful.

Yesterday, we went around and "heart-attacked" a bunch of members' and investigator's houses. It was so great! It's where you have a bunch of paper hearts cut out and they have little messages on them like, "We love you," or "You're great!" Plus, we both wrote individual letters to them. It was SUCH a great idea. We "heart-attacked" their homes with two youth--one who is super active and faithful, and the other who has been inactive for a while. So I feel like it was super effective.

We went and saw two people from the heart-attacked victims later that day: our mission leader K, and A (who is one of our investigators). They were so grateful and we could feel how much they truly loved us. Yay for people loving each other!! =D It was great.

Our investigators are currently doing really well. Nune is progressing really well towards her baptismal date. She is reading everything that we give her, and is visibly changing. Even the members have been seeing it! We are really excited and we're confident that she will make her date on May 17th.

A is amazing. That prayer where she felt the spirit really did change her life. She has said that she feels so different now in her life. She feels more at peace now. She says that it has helped her so much because whenever a difficult situation comes up, now she thinks, "Everything will be okay." She is so humble and so full of love. I can see her as being a super strong member. She really wants her husband (who is an in-active member) to become active in the  church again. I love her SO much!

Well that has been my week. We are going to the genocide memorial today, and maybe we'll also be doing a little bit of shopping for clothes. It should be fun!

Have a great week.
Sister Fielding

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