Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Sept 8 2014

So the week before, we were SO busy, and it was awesome. But this week was a bit slower. Vochinch. It happens in missionary work. However, I hope we can be nice and busy this coming week!

We're trying to work on finding more people. A, one of our awesome members, is a referral machine. She has given us as many as 4-5 people to teach in a week. She has a fiery testimony and loves the Lord. We will be contacting one of her referrals tonight. We'll see if anything comes from it.

Sister splits were great this week. The sister training leaders (I Love them!!) came up to Vanadzor, and we did a blitz of Vanadzor. We split off, and tried to meet with lots of people. For me and Sister M., we only had an appointment, but not from lack of trying! 

We got to play soccer that night, and man, I am getting good at goalie. there were times when I practically ninja kicked the ball away. Haha

Although, it was unfortunate because Sister J got sick that night. A combination of food poisoning and low blood pressure or something. We all got to bed late (about two hours late or so) because we were trying to take care of her, and the blessing from the Elders and everything. So the next day, I was out for the count. I woke up and felt like I had only gotten 3-4 hours of sleep. We were having companionship study with the STL's, and I just had this huge urge to burst out crying. Not because there was anything upsetting, I was just so so tired. I can be  like a child in that sense. Haha So we took a meal-time and I took a nap. Then got up, and took another nap. It was a rough day. (Tyler, I thought of that one time at school when I was so tired I was crying that I didn't have Tangled at home. Haha SO ridiculous.)

The next day I was still not 100% but I was better. I slept well that night too. And now I'm more or less back to normal. :)

Oh, by the way, G (the eight year old) is getting baptized!! Yay!! His dad was offered a job in Russia, and so we quickly talked to N, his mom about getting permission from the dad. Well, she talked to him, he agreed that he wanted him to be baptized, and his dad signed the permission slip. It doesn't count as a convert baptism, because his mom is a member, but we were definitely there for the whole thing! Yay for miracles! Just think: it went from the dad not really wanting us to teach him to him allowing him to be baptized. Heaven-sent! The spirit was so strong when we were talking to her about talking to him. We knew that God really did want G to be baptized. :) Yay! Happy day!

Well, that's our week. Have a great one!

Sister Fielding

P.S. I feel like I should clarify: the soccer is a weekly activity for the members, and we go to strengthen relationships with members. ;)

Love you all!
Sis. F.

I was asked to forward this from my mission president.

Dear Parents and Loved Ones,

We know it is only the first of September, but we need to be thinking of Christmas and sending missionary packages. We would like to offer some ideas for you to consider. Mail service is very unpredictable over here. Some packages take months to arrive and it is so expensive for postage. The US postal service, and we think other countries as well, offer a box with a 4 pound limit for around $20.00. Fill it with a few things you know your missionary will really enjoy. Put the rest of the amount of money you would have spent on their bank card and let them get things they really need. We have found that some parents spend up to $200.00 on postage and when the missionary opens their package it is filled with a lot of things they could purchase over here. They love the thought and gesture but also say they wished they would have had that $200.00 to spend on things they are in need of. We know it sounds a little impersonal but it is something we hear the missionaries wish their parents and loved ones would do. Would you please mark on the package, "Open on the 25th", alerting us that it is their Christmas package so we can keep track of who have received theirs.

Thank you for your incredible missionary! We love them and you would be so proud of them!

President and Sister Carlson
Armenia Yerevan Mission

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