Tuesday, June 4, 2024

June 23, 2014. Bowling in Kentron!

Hey family!!

So there was a whole lot that happened this week! :)

We had that AWESOME baptism on Tuesday. That was so happy because F was finally able to be baptized!! Yay! There was definitely a sweet experience.

It was a bit intense at first because when we got to the church, we realized that the baptismal font wasn't filled!! Yikes!! It was an hour until her baptism, and it takes 3 hours to fill. So what did we do? We had a bucket brigade. We filled up our buckets with water in the church bathroom sinks and were literally dumping it into the font. It could have been a potentially stressful experience (with the baptismal font and everything), but we held our own pretty well. 

It was also kinda nasty because there was this guy in the building who was all like, "Hey, we could make it fill up faster if we tried doing two pipes at once at filling it up!" We currently had the font spout slowly filling up the water too. So we thought, "Okay, let's get two going!!" It started spouting out rusty/nasty water. So grose, but F was a trooper! 

Then we had splits this week and they were SO great. I felt like it was a breath of fresh air. I went to Charents-Sevan, the land of milk and honey. Haha It helped me SO much to go there.I realized that I needed to make missionary work fun! Have it be creative! Make it amazing for Sister L and for myself. Sister S was telling me all these things to make it great.

Everything that she was talking about started to get me all pumped up and excited. And I was SO grateful that she was able to help me. I realized that I had been missing maybe a silly but important factor in my missionary work: fun!! Then I remembered something that someone told me that you had said.
Since then, I haven't had a day where it's hard to get up in the morning and start going. I'm excited because I get to go out there and spread the gospel. I try to find new ways, creative ways, fun ways to gain the hearts of the people, and build up the ward here. I feel like I learned a lot this week from Sister S, and so I am really greatful to her for that.

We found some more investigators by the way! It was really awesome, actually. A member gave us a referral that led us to an in-active with a non-member wife and their two kids. They needed help moving two flights up, and so we volunteered! It was super fun. The in-active, Paul, just lit up and told us all about his mission in Russia and then later here in Armenia (he had visa problems). He loved his mission, and he misses coming to church. He says that he really wants to come back, and he also said that it would be a lot easier to be baptized if his wife got baptized. So he asked us if we could come back and try and teach her. Of course, we said yes!!

The wife is lovely. She seems a bit interested, and we think that she has some potential!! So we are super excited for her. We will see her tonight. (We're gonna see if we can do family home evening with them).

Sister Fielding

1. Me in Charents-Sevan!!

2. Me dumping water into the font for F's baptism. Sorry, it's a little blurry.

3. We went bowling today in Kentron! (The shoes are always classy.) ;)

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