Tuesday, June 4, 2024

May 5, 2014. Transfers and all that jazz!

So transfers happened and...........

I'm in Arabkir!! Aka, I'm in Yerevan, the capital city! Woot woot!! Isn't that crazy?! Plus, I am with my MTC companion, Sister L! Our teachers told us in the MTC that we would probably be companions again in the mission field, but we just said, "Nah, we doubt it." Hah Guess we are! It is gonna be a good transfer. So here I'll be for the next three months! Arabkir's not gonna know what hit 'em. ;) It was somewhat bittersweet saying goodbye to investigators, the ward members, and my baptizees, but I know they'll be taken care of.

Having that said, this has been the sickest/wierdest week out in the field. So on Thursday, the ward was throwing me a going-away party, which was...interesting. Haha But Sister T. woke up and her stomach hurt SUPER bad and she was exhausted. So during studies, she could barely keep her eyes open. We also had some time before that party thing, and so she went down for a nap.

Anyways, it got to the time where we needed to get going, and sister T. just started crying because she was so sick and exhausted. So I was put in a quandry: Sister T. is super sick and can't go anywhere, but we would offend the members if I didn't come. So I made a bunch of calls and got permission to go on "mini splits" with the members. One member, a sweetheart who traveled three hours from her home in Yehenadzor, came and stayed with Sister T. and I went off to the party.

Speaking of the party, it was super interesting. Haha We went in there, and I suddenly realized that they were just winging it--that's how Armenians usually do it. Hah So we go into the relief society room, and we start talking about the stake goals (for the hundreth time) about how many people we want to help get baptized, the amount of people to bring back from inactivity, etc. Then they turned to me and were like, "So, do you have any games??" I said, "Uh...sure!" So we played a random game. (Armenians go crazy over American games). Then we went out and picked weeds. We danced a little bit in the foyer to someone singing folk music (you should totally look up Armenian dancing--it's hilarious), as Bishop went out and got sharmas (Middle-eastern/Armenian wraps). So random, but this is generally how Armenian activities go. Then said goodbyes. One of the Elders' new converts' tatik (grandma) was so sad I was leaving. It was so cute.

Anyways, when I got back from the activity, that member that had stayed with Sister T had CLEANED our apartment!! It was SO nice!! Because when you do transfers, you have to clean the apartment so that it's ready for the next sister coming in. Yeah, so she cleaned and mopped the floor, shined my boots, and did all these things. It was SO nice! I was so grateful when I got back.

So since I was already packed, the apartment was clean, and Sister T. was too sick to go anywhere, I watched "Legacy" and "Work and the Glory" while doing this or that. Hah It was so wierd to have such a low-key day like that. I was starting to not feel so well though.

But the next day, I was full-on sick, which happened to also be the day we were transferring. So I felt nauseated and sick heading up to Yerevan. When I got all moved into our apartment, I just slept and slept. Every time I moved I felt terrible. I had a fever, headache, feverish chills, and was nauseated. Needless to say, we stayed home all day.

Then the next day, I was showering, and I noticed two red dots on my stomach. I looked at them closer. I recognized them as the same as the ones which were on a three year-old a week or so before.

Folks, I have the chicken pox. No joke. I have been quarantined ever since. I have been going crazy in my apartment these past few days. There's only so much you can clean and read and study. Hah Seriously. I feel so bad for stay-at-home moms when they literally have nothing to do. I will be allowed to leave the apartment on Wednesday, which will be WONDERFUL!!!

So, pray for me!! I don't feel sick anymore but I don't want to spread this anymore. Hopefully Sister L won't get it!! She's never had it either.

The good is that since I had the chicken pox shots, it's only a mild case. That little three year-old had a REALLY bad case, and so it squeezed past my defenses a little bit. So that explains why I was so sick on Friday--it was my body trying to fight off the chicken pox.

Well I've gotta get going. I love you all!! Have a great week!
Sister Fielding

P.S. Sorry that this is SO LONG!!

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