Tuesday, June 4, 2024

October 13 2014

Hello friends and family.

It's transfers week. Holy cow. 

I have been doing well overall with not really thinking about transfers. However, I was talking to  one of our members from our ward yesterday, and it hit me. I got SOOO stressed. It's here already. But it's okay, if we can just stay busy, then I'll be able to stay focused. So we'll for sure be "anxiously engaged in a good cause" this week...as always. :)

We find out tomorrpw night what's going to happen. Somewhat freaking out. I'm just going to think that I'm staying here in Vanadzor and just focus on that. President Carlson said that all of us are going to have a new companion from these transfers. So yeah...

Conference was SO good this past week. I LOVED it. There were so many good things all at once. In a lot of cases, it was like drinking from a fire hydrant. Haha 

I made cinnamon rolls for conference. Keeping on the Fielding tradition! They were SO good. It was awesome. And I also started a scarf at the beginning of conference and got about a third of the way done. Haha It was awesome! Pictures included below.

I particularly liked the one from Elder Klebingat. I'll definitely be printing off that one and studying it. By the way, I used to know him! When he came on the screen, I stared at him, thinking, "I feel like I know him from somewhere.." and then his name popped up and I was all like, "Hey! I DO know him!" When I was in Ukraine, he was in our English speaking branch. He was the acting mission president when I was there. (Tyler, you remember when I showed you his daughter's picture and said you needed to marry her?? His daughter is the BOMB along with the rest of their family.)

The area is doing good, overall. We had some really good lessons with some of our investigators. We are getting really close with helping our investigator, A, to get her marriage license. So she might be able to be baptized soon!! It's very exciting. 

We are trying to help T to quit coffee and to get a marriage license. She doesn't have very much support on either of those ends from her family, and so we have to become the main source of that support. We're going to be visiting her today. We'll be bringing coca-cola and herbal tea over. Maybe she'll get hooked on those two things more than on coffee. We hope so! 

I hope that with transfers and everything, that everything doesn't get TOO stressful. I remember this past one where my skin literally broke out in bumps on my face from being so stressed. I'll be using my exercise really effectively this week so that I burn off all negative/stressed energy that I might have. 

So funny story of the week: We were visiting a less active. She's a little teenager. Her grandma lives with her (most Armenians have their grandmas stay there with them. They live with their parents for forever.)

Anyways, there was this spider climbing up the wall, and the teenager was all like, "Oh! I'm scared of spiders." The grandma saw that we were all looking at something, and so asked, "What are you looking at?" I said, "a Spider." She stared at me, confused. So I said it again, a little louder, "A SPIDER." She was hard of hearing, and so it turned into a hilarious mini episode of me trying to tell her that there was a SPIDER there. We were all dying. I ended up drawing a spider in my planner to show her. It was hilarious.

Anyways, times up! We'll see what this week will bring! Here comes the army of trainees!! Yikes!!

Love, Sister Fielding

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