Tuesday, June 4, 2024

March 17 2014

Barev Dzez

So I hate to grose you out, but we have cochroaches!!! In our apartment!!!!!!! It's super grose. I hate going out into the entryway because if there's a random black spot on the ground--you KNOW what that means!! Bleh. I have never lived in a place with that type of stuff before. So grose. They're about an inch or so long, and about a half an inch wide. They're brown, super fast, and super scary!! We put our vacuum to good use. The first time we saw them, I was all like, "OH MY GOSH!!! There's a GIANT BUG!!!" Me and Sister T were screaming like little girls. We got out the vacuum like a boss, and in the process of Sister T sucking up the bug, her opera singing voice (yes, she sings opera) went up like two octaves. I was half laughing, and half freaking out. Haha

Then the SECOND time, there was this GIANT one in our SINK! Nobody should start to lift a bowl to start doing dishes and have THAT climb out from under it. We were each begging each other to suck it up with the vacuum. I won. Haha SIster T sucked it up. In my defense, that one was extra freaky! It had a red head for Pete's sake!

We've gotten to the point where we don't freak out as much. We run for the vacuum, suck them up, and then they're gone. We think they live in our walls. Bleh! SO grose. But it's okay, we always win the fight with them. Haha They've never gotten away. (For that matter, I never leave my things on the floor now.)

By the way, crazy thing I realized this week. I am losing weight. I guess (from pictures) that I gained a ton of weight in the MTC, and ever since then I've just been losing it! It's super cool. I've lost like 5 pounds in the past 2 weeks. So it's definitely been gradual, but it's happening! (All that walking around town is paying off!)

Something really cool is that all of the storks have returned from Egypt! They always migrate to Egypt for the winter and then they come back to Armenian (and surrounding countries) in the spring. It's way cool because they always come back to the same nest, and they have the same mate for their whole life. When their mate dies, the other one flies up high, locks its wings in and plunges to the ground--killing itself because it's so sad. SO sad! Their nests are MASSIVE too! They're like 4-ish feet tall.

So the work is REALLY starting to pick up here in Artashat! We are loving it! The long slow winter is over and it's spring now!! Woo! Spring=new beginnings. =D

Love you all! Take care!
Love, Sister Fielding

1. That's a stork in its nest!
2. My last cookies and cream from friends and family. (They were loved! Haha)

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