Tuesday, June 4, 2024

November 10, 2014

Hey everyone!

This week we have been seeing miracles.They've been happening!

One of our members, S glasses is how we call her, loves her calling as a ward missionary. We've been going out with her a lot, because she keeps rolling in the referrals. Because of her, we found a SUPER prepared family. And as a result, if everything works out, we will be having eight people be baptized by the end of the year! What a miracle.

And speaking of miracles, we saw a miracle when we were teaching them one day. M (the 92 year old tatik--who is so quick and sharp and agile, no one would have said that she was 92) and her son, A, were super excited to see the Joseph Smith movie. They were really pumped up from the first lesson that we shared with them about prophets and Joseph Smith. So, for the next lesson, we promptly brought the Joseph Smith movie and the DVD player. We were setting out to get everything ready when we realized that we had forgot the plug adapter. The DVD player has an American plug, which of course we wouldn't have been able to plug into the wall.

We were stuck. The family was ready to watch, and since the cord has a hard time charging up the DVD player anyway, it was on it's last stretch of life. So we tried to just go along with it. We all watched the movie from the DVD player. Sister B and I were praying so hard that it would last, that it would last until at least the end of the movie, or after the first vision.

We got to the first vision, and then to the end of the movie. It was a miracle!! The movie was able to bring in a really strong spirit. :) They are progressing like crazy!

More in regard to that family: we visited them on Saturday, and they said that they were going to come to church, and they were going to bring their whole family with them too! We were all thinking, "That's great!" They were serious too! The tatik was somewhat miffed that we had even asked them to come. She said, "I already said I was coming last time!" She then called up all of her grown grandkids, and said, "Hey! We're going to church tomorrow! (Some silence...) I don't care if you don't really wanna come. You're coming!" And then she hung up. Haha It was SO funny.

So I said to her, "So...are they coming?" She said gruffly, "Of COURSE they are." I was all like, "Well, okay then!"

But then there's the next unfortunate part. They didn't come to church. But we realized after church that they had tried to come to call us. So we called the granddaughter back. She said, "Hey we were lost and we couldn't find the church. But we found it! But we didn't see you two there. How come you two weren't there? It's the hokegalustakan (the pentecostal) church, right?" They went to the Pentecostal church, thinking that that church was ours. We all had a good laugh about that. Bishop thought it was hilarious. It was still a bit of a bummer though that they weren't able to come.

That night, we had a really awesome temple lesson with M and with the Bishop and his wife. We used the temple visual of the chain of their family. It's where you write one of each of their names and you make them all into a chain, held together by your fingers. This represents your family on this earth, when you're all together. But when you die and you don't have the temple sealing, (this is where you all let go of the chain) all of you go every which way and you're not together. But if you have a temple sealing (this is when you take out a stapler and start stapling all of the people on the chain together) then even after you pass on, you will still be with your family. You hold up the chain, and then drop it on the table again. This time the whole family stays together. It's a really powerful lesson. M said, "Wow. This is wonderful what you're saying." It was SO SO impactful. 

We gave her a picture of the Kiev, Ukraine temple, which she put up on the bookshelf. :) Towards the end, she was saying, "A (her son) is going to be so bummed that he missed this lesson." (We couldn't get a hold of him, that's why he wasn't there.)

Anyways, Vanadzor is exploding right now. It's amazing! I love this work and these people! =D And I love M and her family! =D

Love, Sister Fielding

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