Tuesday, June 4, 2024

November 17, 2014

So the most exciting news: R is getting baptized!!! =D yayyy!!

It's insane! We've been working on trying to help her talk to her mom (who's in Russia) for a while. We were going back and forth. She talked to her mom, but her mom said, "But...you've already been baptized..." But our bishop's wife/Relief Society president (can we say powerhouse in that household??), S, was able to explain everything amazingly to R and her grandma. It was inoffensive and clear, and just awesome in general.

So R talked to her mom again, and her mom said, "Well...if you want to be baptized, then go ahead!" 

The next meeting following that conversation, R burst through the door and said, "I'm getting BAPTIZED!" It was so exciting! It'll be this Saturday at 5 pm (so 5 am on Pacific mountain time). She passed her interview and everything. We are so psyched. 

This week, has been a crazy week for sleeping. On Wednesday, I was hit by some sort of flu, not physically getting sick but just feeling awful. So I took some Tylenol PM that night. Well, that knocked me out, but then the next day I had this really terrible headache. So the following night, I thought, "Hey, why am I making myself suffer? I should take something for this." So, being smart like I am...I took excedrin--not thinking about the caffeine that was in it. So I was up that night until 3:30 am. I just laid in bed...doing nothing. So then it wasn't until the next day that I finally crashed when I got to bed.

It was an interesting week in that regard. Other than that, it's been a pretty normal week. Not super exciting. We're just working with our investigators, 

Love you all!
Sister Fielding

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