Tuesday, June 4, 2024

May 26, 2014. Iranians are Awesome!!

Hey friends and family

So this has been a fantastic week!! 

Iranians have become some of my all-time FAVORITE people!! They really are amazing!! 

On Monday night, Sister L and I made a goal to find three people on the street who would have baptismal dates. That night we had only one investigator. I prayed so hard that it would happen, because it is rough to have so little people to teach.

SO, we hit the streets the next day, and I gotta say that we truly were led by the spirit. We first talked to a grandpa on a bench--turns out that he's met missionaries before! We got his contact information, and are trying to meet with him again.

Later on we met ANOTHER little grandpa, who was suffering because his friend and some family members had just died. He invited us back again.

But HERE is the miracle. We were on Vratsakan street (where the mission office is), and I felt like we should go down this driveway. We saw this family--a father, mother, and their son. Generally, it's a bit rough to say hi to families because there's so many of them. But we said hi anyways. Well the mom came up to us, and was super SUPER nice!! She didn't speak a word of Armenian, but she spoke some broken english. Anyways, we found out that they're Iranian. We showed her where our church was and invited her and her family to come. 

We exchanged numbers and things were just great!! They are so special. We called her up that night to meet with her the next day. She said, "Okay!! I'll be there."

Well the next day, she had me sweating bullets because she was 30 minutes late (something to do with confusion with their taxi driver) but she came. We had a meeting with her to see how she was doing and learn more about her. Well, can I say GOLDEN???? Man. She was saying how much she loves to go to church (she used to go to some church in Canada) and she said that she was so happy that she had some friends that she could talk about Jesus. 

We then met with her whole family a day or two later, and then they all came to church. They are all so excited about the church!! So the mom has a baptismal date for July 5th!!!

So we found a family!! And they are wonderful. They are currently Muslim. The first muslims that I've ever taught. :D

Also, something else: they are only here in Armenia for the summer, and then they will be leaving for California. They leave in about two months. So that'll be interesting.

We picked up another family too. They were old investigators of Sister M and Sister C. When Sister M came, she suggested that we go and meet with them. It was interesting because those other sisters tried so hard to bring them to church and they just never came. But then this last sunday, they just came! We weren't expecting them, either. I don't remember inviting them to church because we just had a short visit. However, we might have invited them. We will see how they do. Hopefully they will continue to progress even when they don't have Sister M here (they LOVE Sister M). 

We picked up little D this week too. She investigated the church before, and we hear that she was almost baptized too. So R (one of our members) invited her to an activity for the kids in the ward. She came the following sunday to church, and then this past week. Last saturday we went over to her house, and she said that she wanted to be baptized. Her mom already gave her permission to be baptized too (D is eleven). So things look pretty good right now with her! :) I think that she is going to be baptized really quickly. 

Okay, well I am SOOOOO excited to have those meetings with Elder Bednar. Wooohoooo!!! We have been trying to help the members get excited about his coming. I don't think that they fully realize who is really coming.

Hey, so really funny story really fast. So yesterday we were in an area called Kanaker, and we saw this lady on the street. So we naturally started talking. She was all like, "Hey, how old are you?" I said, "21." She said, "Ohh....and where are you from??" I said America. So she got all excited and said, "Oh, America!! That's great. You know, I have a 23 year old son who really wants to go to America! Maybe you could marry him and take him to America." I was all like, "Wait, what! No, I don't even know him!!" But it was funny. She ended up inviting us back to her house for some tea. So we go. 

Anyways, it was HILARIOUS. She was trying to persuade me to marry her son. She was all like, "Aww, come on! He's a great kid!" She calls him up on her phone and says, "Hey there's these two pretty girls here who are from America! You should come and get to know them. Hey, here's one of them." She hands the phone to ME. Here's the conversation:

Me: "Uh...Hello?"
Him: "Oh, uh hi." 
How's it going?
Good. So..you're from America? Where at??

Anyways, it's this super awkward conversation and I'm just thinking, "I'm a missionary. This is SO wierd." So I say, "hey, I'm gonna give the phone back to your mom." in the process of giving the phone back, I said something along the lines of "I got shy/embarrassed" (it's a word in Armenian that's hard to translate) but anyways she gets the phone and says, "What did you say to her, she said she got embarrassed!" I'm DYING of mortification. She's just going back and forth with her son calling him out for the awkward conversation, and finally I say, "Don't say that [I got embarrassed]!" Then she says, clearly for him to say, "Oh, I shouldn't say it???" SO embarrassing but SUPER funny. 

Well the remainder of the time she was trying to have me marry her son. Of course, I said that I was a missionary and CAN'T/WON'T do that. Haha Oh my word. So yeah, that was my sunday night. It was SO funny.

She says that she'll call me and have me come over to get to know her son. I'm not sure if we'll be doing that... haha

Anyways, I've gotta go. Love you all!! Things are looking good here in Arabkir!

Well, love ya!!
Sister Fielding
Side note to Tyler--I made no-bakes too!! Haha (They're waiting for us at home!!) ;)

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