Tuesday, June 4, 2024

April 21, 2014

So much to write about!! So little time!

So we had the opportunity to go and plant potatoes at our new convert, N's house, two days in a row! It was so fun, but I also reminded of how farm work is hard. Ha We had this shovel and we had to dig up a small hole, and then place a potato in it. One person digging the hole while the other person was carrying the heavy bucket of potatoes and placing them in the hole. The first day we did it was great because we were able to get a lot done with a lot of potatoes planted and it was an overcast day. The next day, we were working in the hot sun which got exhausting after a while. I got burnt on the first day, but hey, good thing we have an aloe vera plant!!

By the Elders in our ward had a baptism this last weekend. It was this little old man who lives out in some village. He's 76 or whatnot and has back problems and two heart attacks. So sad. His baptism was so cute though! So they said the prayer to baptize him, but when they went to put him in the water, he got super scared. So what they did was put him on his knees and he went forward in the water. =) When he was baptized, he just said a prayer of gratitude right there on the spot.

By the way, I gotta say, our mission is SO lucky because we have one of the top pediatrists (foot doctor) in Utah here. Oh my word. He is SO smart! He was a doctor for a few years. Man, after the baptism, Sister T. had him look at her foot and I guess she had this infected ingrown toenail. So he said that he would help her fix it. So the next day before church, we all went into another room to take care of it. He brought out all of his special tools and a magnifying glass thing that he put on his glasses. After warning her to not jump or move her foot, he literally started to cut down the side of her toenail!! I didn't even know that you could DO that! Sister T. was bawling because it hurt so bad, but taking off a little bit of the nail on one side let out the infection, and she felt like a million bucks when he was done. Interesting fact: Did you know that ingrown toenails are genetic?? It's true! Crazy. =D

Also, there was this investigator that we met with and had a few really great lessons with, but then she kinda fell off the face of the earth. We could never get a hold of her, and so we just dropped her. Crazy thing though! She called us up on another phone on Saturday night, saying that she missed us and that there was all these things that had happened (like her husband having to go to the hospital) and so she wasn't able to meet with us. But now, she wanted to see us again. So we went and saw her yesterday on Easter.

She fed us this big traditional Armenian Easter dinner. (It was SO good.) We had their dyed eggs, and this special greens with eggs dish, rice with raisins, and lots of other things. We got SO full! Haha But it was super yummy. We watched finding faith in Christ and it was really good. We will see how that goes though!

I'm out of time. But I love you all!
Sister Fielding

Here's me at Hor Virap!

Here's the traditional Armenian eggs! And part of the Easter dinner that we had.

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