Tuesday, June 4, 2024

June 30, 2014

Hey family!

So I have discovered little fairy tale books! I found out that we can read out of Armenian fairy tale books for language study/finding words. It has been AWESOME. I was a little hesitant at first, but then I realized that all of the words in there (for the most part) are common words. And they're right there!! Woo! So yeah, I have been jumping on that. My language is still improving, and I'll be trying to improve it forever. Seriously. Hah

So we have been told that we need to visit all of our members in our ward--active and in-active--every month. So we have been pretty busy with that.

We went bowling last week! It was so funny because our district got there, and then about 15 minutes later, the center district came!! SO much fun, and unexpected!!

It was so funny too. There's this Elder, Elder K, who we quickly realized has probably never bowled in his life. He goes up there, and literally chucks the bowling ball, and it nearly bounced off of the lane and into the next lane!! We were DYING. It was so funny! And then the second time he goes up, he chucks it again, it DOES go into the next lane, into the gutter, and hits the metal thing that was going down to put the pins upright in the next lane. Hahaha Oh my word. The owner comes out, and says, "Chi Kareli!" Which means, "Not allowed!!" It was SO funny. He then was given a mini tutorial on how to bowl, and was watched like a hawk for the rest of the game. Hilarious.

Okay, well, life has been good so far. It has been a pretty spiritual week this week--thinking about the atonement and really feeling the spirit work through me. It has been really special to think about the tender mercies of the Lord in my life. I invite you all to think of little blessings that YOU'VE had in your life too.

Love you all!!
Sister Fielding

P.S. Way to go Caden for getting baptized!! Love ya bud!
P.S.S. Have an awesome family reunion family!!
P.S.S.S. LOVVVEEE you all!

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